Reddit learning on the job
Reddit learning on the job

reddit learning on the job

You might have gotten a job for survival purposes, or picked one that wasn’t right. “It’s unlikely you’ll get a better job than this one – better to stay and have a job, than quit and be jobless.”Ī user shared this bleak outlook they got, which is totally untrue. Even entry-level jobs in a field won’t simply let anyone walk through the door and get a job. Few, if any jobs are found these days by just asking for one. This might work sometimes for a grocery store, but even then you’ll have to apply online and usually be put through an online interview system. “Go to the store and just ask for a job in person.” Here are some more pieces of bad advice Reddit users have shared they’ve gotten over the years. Do strong work outside the corporate cubicle. They went from a technical writer to being named “technical communicator” after going above and beyond for a project by adding in graphic design pieces. This person said doing things outside of a job description led to title changes. Don’t be afraid to speak up, especially if you think everyone would like pears just a little better. But your career is about improving everyone and every process. Yes, especially when you first start you might have to bend to the will of a supervisor. The idea that “If the company asks you for oranges, you give oranges,” is outdated and sees the boss as an all-knowing commandeer. Immediately getting back to work after a job loss or trip can set you back if you don’t reassess.

reddit learning on the job

A concerned male family member told him to immediately get a job, and so this person did, becoming an exhausted go-fer in a low-level position. This user said he was set back from starting a business because he never took the time to start it. Getting any old job can set your dreams back and get you stuck in a rut.

reddit learning on the job

Figure out hacks to get into your field or a good career. You have to know exactly what a career demands of you, from filing Excel sheets to interviewing tons of clients, which are skills that aren’t always taught in school. A degree is often a stepping stone to getting an interview. “If you get a degree you’ll never have to flip hamburgers.”Įveryone in a financial crisis or with a degree that is highly competitive knows this to be untrue. But here are the 7 worst pieces of it for anyone looking to be positive about their career path.

reddit learning on the job

Take everything as if it were a drop of lemon on your meal, just a bit of flavor to something you’ve already made. The variables are incalculable so first and foremost you have to go with your gut. Here’s a great note from one Reddit user we spoke to, “Pretty much all advice is bad advice: All experience is relative.”Įvery situation, job, problem and so on is unique and each person brings their own biases, strengths, and history to it. We asked and here’s the bad advice people say they’ve gotten. People like to take to Reddit, an online anonymous blog site, to air their deepest thoughts, sometimes on relationships or world news, and sometimes on terrible advice, their mom gave them on finding a job! A lot of career advice that once was passed around as solid is impractical in the modern world, and people share how it’s hurt them or their original aspirations. What better place to talk about it than the Internet? It can come from an uncle, a boss or a friend with the best of intentions, but still, be absolutely terrible.

Reddit learning on the job